Role of AI in the future of healthcare.

06 Apr 2023, 19:17
Role of AI in the future of healthcare 🤖🧬 AI is revolutionizing the healthcare industry with its intelligent decision-making powers that enable it to analyze vast amounts of digital data in a systematic way. Accenture predicts that key health AI applications could create $150 billion in annual savings for the US healthcare economy by 2026. The health AI market size has grown from $600 million in 2014 to $6.6 billion in 2021. 🟪 AI for Cancer Analysis: Deep learning algorithms are being used to automate the analysis of cancer tissue slides. An AI system called TOAD can successfully predict origin for cancers of unknown primary from whole slide images. 🟪 AI for Radiology: AI is also being used in radiology to automate and improve processes such as image analysis-based diagnosis. An AI system called CheXNet has beaten radiologists for x-ray image analysis to detect 14 different types of pneumonia from chest x-rays with an accuracy of 92%. 🟪 AI for Drug Discovery: AlphaFold, a deep machine learning system developed by Google's subsidiary, DeepMind, can accurately predict the 3D structure of proteins. 🟪 AI for Cardiovascular Disease Analysis: Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer disease globally, and AI systems are helping in understanding it at a clinical and research level. Google Health has developed an AI system to detect heart disease from retinal fundus scans. 🟪 AI for Dermatology: In dermatology, an AI system trained on 100,000 images was able to distinguish dangerous skin lesions from benign ones, outperforming most dermatologists from 17 countries. 🟪 AI for Preventive Healthcare: AI also has enormous promise in preventive healthcare, analyzing heaps of digital data to support screenings for diabetic retinopathy and extracting insights from electronic medical records using Google's Natural Language Processing APIs.