EHDS and Your Medical Records: Who Has Access.

18 May 2023, 17:59
EHDS and Your Medical Records: Who Has Access? šŸ”’šŸ¦ The proposed European Health Data Space (EHDS) has ignited discussions regarding the protection and privacy of individuals' medical records. While aiming to facilitate cross-border sharing of medical information, concerns have been raised regarding the potential implications of the EHDS. The proposal includes granting a government agency access to medical records, which can then be shared with researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and tech giants without explicit patient consent. Medical records contain highly sensitive and personal information, encompassing various aspects of individuals' health. Anonymizing this data effectively presents challenges, as it can often be easily identifiable. Recent polls reveal that a significant majority of Europeans are only willing to grant researchers access to their medical records if they have provided explicit consent. However, the current EHDS proposal lacks a consent requirement and denies patients the right to object to data sharing, raising concerns about individuals' control over their own information. While medical research heavily relies on access to data for advancements and new discoveries, it is essential that researchers obtain explicit permission from individuals before utilizing their data. Furthermore, promoting transparency by obliging researchers to release their results for the common benefit of society is a vital aspect of responsible data use. šŸ”šŸŖŖ In this context, DeHealth emerges as a revolutionary player in the big data industry, offering individuals control over their health data through blockchain technology. DeHealth's innovative platform ensures the privacy, security, and accessibility of medical information, empowering individuals to make informed decisions regarding data sharing. By prioritizing patient rights, DeHealth contributes to the ethical and responsible utilization of health data, supporting advancements in medical research while preserving patient confidentiality and control.